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Charly Crawford

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Rider details

?Hometown: Prineville, Oregon
?Height: 5’11
?Weight: 175 lbs.
?Rookie Year: 1998 years
?DOB: 2/8/78

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Charly Crawford
Charly Crawford-Oregon

Charly Crawford, Professional Team Roper, has competed professionally for since 1998. He has been on the rodeo road for quite some time now. We asked him what he is most looking forward to in regards to the structure of an ERA event he said, “I am excited about watching the top cowboys. Right now there are only a few big rodeos a year like Houston and a few others. I am looking forward to the production of an ERA event and the energy, electricity and the vibe that an ERA event will create. Rodeos like that make it more fun to compete at.”
Crawford married 13-time Women’s Professional Rodeo Association (WPRA) World Champion Roper, Jackie Hobbs. They both have the opportunity to share their passion for rodeo and be successful in their career.
Originally from Prineville, Oregon Charly now calls Stephenville, Texas home with his wife Jackie. He enjoys being home with his wife, training young horses and shoeing horses on the side.

Charly Crawford Q&A

Q: What excites you most about the sport?
A: The competition. People in other sports like football and basketball play through high school, some get lucky and have the opportunity to play in college and then there is that 1% that gets to play professionally. I think all of us athletes crave competition.

Q: Who was your mentor or role model at the start of your career?
A: My dad, who helped me get my start. There is a long list of people that I have looked up to and have helped me. When I first started out, Jake Barnes and Clay O’ Brien Cooper were the guys to watch. There are guys to this day that I look up to that I compete against based on their ability and character. I also think Brent Lewis is a cowboy’s cowboy. I’ve always thought he was born a decade late, he should’ve been born around the time of Billy the Kid, he could do it all.

Q: Tell us your most challenging moment in rodeo.
A: Losing my horse, Patrone, was very challenging. I think us as cowboys think that we are 10 ft. tall and bulletproof and were not used to dealing with loss, it’s a life lesson. Lately, I have been dealing with back issues and trying to maintain that, I’m used to being young it’s hard getting older!

Q: What does your family mean to your success?
A: My dad is my biggest fan along with my wife. My wife is a good horse woman and roper so she understands what I have to do to make a living. Their support means everything and we need to remind ourselves to cherish that



