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Jake Barnes

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Barnes lives in Scottsdale, Arizona home with his wife Toni and his five kids. His hobbies include basketball, hunting and fishing. He enjoys training and selling horses and putting on roping clinics.

?Hometown: Scottsdale, Arizona
?Height: 6’3
?Weight: 200 lbs.
?Rookie Year: 1980
?World Titles: 7
?DOB: 4/4/59

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Jake Barnes

Jake Barnes, Seven-time World Champion Team Roper, has competed professionally since 1980. Barnes is one of the most legendary team roping headers in the sport of rodeo. He has had plenty of experience down the rodeo road. Barnes told us what he looks forward to in regards to the structure of the ERA, “I am looking forward to the pay-off and structure of an ERA rodeo. The structure of the ERA will be an event where you can go and spend a few days focusing on the competition, watching the other contestants, and having time to relax versus a traditional rodeo where you are in and out of town quickly and traveling to the next rodeo in a hurry.”

Since Barnes is a role model to many team ropers we asked what he does to prepare and practice for the rodeos he said, “I practice with intensity. I like to practice by myself with no distractions with only my partner and me. I believe if you work the hardest at something it will pay off.” After seven World Championships, I believe his hard work is paying off.

Jake Barnes Q&A

Q: What do you want the fans to know most about ERA?
A: I want the fans to know that the ERA is run by the cowboys and is for the best interest of the cowboys. Since there will be a limited amount of rodeos hopefully this will enable cowboys to live a better lifestyle and be able to spend more time with their families.
A: Who was your mentor or role model at the start of your career?
A: I have had several role models. Allen Bach has always been a mentor to me. Leo Camarillo taught me that rodeo is a business and helped take my career to the next level.
Q: How do you keep them healthy and always ready to compete?
A: Your horses are your tool to win money. I take very good care of my horses by exercising them, balancing their nutrition and vitamins, and keeping their teeth healthy.
Q: Do you have a rodeo routine you stick to when preparing to compete? Any superstitions?
A: No superstitions. I compare headers to quarterbacks; we have a lot of responsibilities so I just try to keep calm



