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San Antonio Rose Palace

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Arena Details
Main area covered Yes
Separate Warm-Up Arena Yes
Wi-fi Available Yes
Stalls Available Yes
Stall types
  • Dirt
Wash racks Yes
  • Yes
RV hookups Yes
# of RV hookups 40

Available Facilities Include
536 Permanent Stalls 12' x12'
2 Covered Arenas:
120' x 255' Arena Floor
112' x 250' Arena Floor
2 Lighted Outdoor Arenas:
150' x 200' Arena Floor
100' x 150' Arena Floor
Arena Paddock 70' x 155'
Clubhouse and Snack Bar
4500 Seating Capacity
Sponsors Box Area: Either In arenas or in the glass
enclosed and air conditioned Clubhouse
Hotel Accommodations within 10 Miles of the Facility
RV Hook Ups on site


Shannon Iverson
San Antonio, TX 78255

